I had a shower in the most glorious of rain head showers and tinkered around getting ready. Once done I donned the red bag and set off.
I made my way 30 minutes down the road. I passed one person on the way there. His border collie looked at me with great distrust. In fact, that is how I will describe the man's glares.
I made my way up the dirt drive to Two rows of stables. The stables reminded me of repurposed shipping containers, just very different dimensions. I wondered around until I found a computer printed Artic Horses sign.
I popped my head in and heard a mouse squeak of a hello. She must have been about 13. She kept tacking up and seeing that she didn't want my help nor conversation I waited outside. She pointed to a horse and said that this was mine to ride. She then asked me which side I mounted from. I only have ever (as with everyone I know) mounted from the left. I actually thought that I could give right mounting a go. I quickly said left as I had an image of me right mounting but ending up backwards on my noble steed.
Now as I have described, it is rocky terrain. My horse (never did get his name, not hers for that matter. Bit of a Slartibartfast moment) followed suit behind unnamed girl and unnamed second horse.
We had made it about 10 minutes down the road and she pulled her horse into a tolt. This is a unique gait to the Icelandic horse. It's a speed walk. It takes a load of energy to perform for the horse but is the most pleasant seat for the rider.
I broke out in a huge grin and though ridiculously "I'm tolting !"
It was fabulous fun. We went on interspersing walking with tolting.
We actually ended up on the path that o had so diligently walked just the night before. Much quicker on a horse.
We made our way around a mountain and over such rocky terrain. I think any horse I had ridden before would have laughed at the thought of going over that degree of terrain.
I'll shut up now and let you see some photos.
We galloped around through some softer terrain. Unnamed girl who didn't talk almost the entire tour then opened up that I was the first tour she had taken on that route. Her and her champion mare go on the route, but it's a bit challenging in places. And at that we were in crevice surrounded by large rocks by Grindavik.
So 2.5 hours later we finished and I was given a lift back to the blue lagoon where I await a bus to the airport.
I did have a second to change so I don't smell as much like a horse.
On to the next flight!