Sunday, 8 June 2014

The Handshake...

My dinner
Different cultures have different ways of greeting each other.  Some kiss on one cheek, others kiss on both cheeks.  Then the Dutch go all out and kiss 3 times.  Some cultures hug and some cultures wave hello.  The Kenyans shake hands. 
Carol and my dinner :) 

This greeting is done frequently.  When someone walks into a room, everyone’s hand is shaken.  When someone comes up to the truck to have a conversation with the driver, everyone’s hand gets shaken; even the people in the back of the truck.  The handshake is genuine and firm.  Sometimes it is a straightforward handshake.  Sometimes it includes a choreographed routine.  This is hard to describe.  First step is a normal handshake.  Secondly is a quick movement of hands to be grasping the other person’s hand.  Thirdly, the hands switch back to a normal handshake.  I have not been able to determine when this handshake is coming, so normally I look a bit silly when I pull away before the time.  I must say that when I do get to use this handshake, I feel like I am preforming a secret handshake in a secret society.   
Elephant taking water
Handshaking is done all the time.  There is even an alternate handshake used when your hands are dirty.  In this case, you simply offer up your right forearm to be shaken. 

Itty Bitty Babies!
Shaking hands has become very normal.  I actually feel left out if I don’t receive a handshake.
Sunset on Sunday night

This weekend has been pleasant.  I have been up early to go and examine our baby orphan black rhinos after an adult black rhino attacked them on Thursday.  See “When babies get hurt”.  The two injured rhinos, Kilifi and Nicky, have markedly improved.  I went to see them this morning and decided only Nicky needed medications.  I swiftly injected him whilst he was suckling his bottle.  I joked with Sarah that no one would believe that it was that easy to inject a rhino.  She said that I had mastered the technique.

Sundowner on Sunday night
I was able to do some lab work, but the heat of the day combined with early starts to the days led to a few naps.  Naps are so essential sometimes.

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